Dads don’t always get as much credit for being good parents as moms do. But the truth is that dads are just as important in a kid’s life, and they deserve the same love. Ella Travolta wanted to thank her dad, John Travolta, for everything he does, so she said some very kind things.
It’s important to us at Bright Side that people say nice things to each other, so we’d like to share this sweet exchange with our readers. John had a special day, and Ella spoiled him.
The actor, who is 21 years old, put a picture of herself with her dad and brother on Instagram. That person, her dad, is her “best friend” and someone who makes her happy in good times and bad.
It turned out that John makes parenting look easy, even though it’s not. He always finds a way to make each day better for his kids. Ella also said that one day she hopes to be half as good a mom as John.
John himself told the kids something.
John Travolta is thrilled and grateful to have two wonderful kids. He loves to support and care for his children. He just recently told everyone that his daughter Ella will be in a new Alice in Wonderland movie. He was also very proud to say that he is a “very proud dad.” Since last year, he’s been taking care of his family.
Kelly Preston, John Travolta’s wife of 29 years, died last year. It had been going on for 57 years and she had breast cancer. After she died, John took some time off to deal with his grief and help his kids. Before this, he had also lost his oldest son, Jett, in 2009