People Share the Most Unbelievable Messages They’ve Gotten From Exes
No Comment, Eh?
Lots of people have that ex that act as though they have a right to be irritable when you call them out for their wrongdoing. Even though they were the ones who clearly did something wrong, you get to be treated like a nuisance for bringing up what they did.
But hey, it kind of makes sense that the presumed girl in this exchange loves exactly the type of terrible person that she probably is. Many of us know an ex that was far too in love with themselves.
Is That All You Are Worth?
One message that most people don’t like to get from their ex is one that suggests they get back together. Even worse is a message like this one — in which the ex offers to get back together with you, but only if you pay them, apparently.
We don’t need to mention how insulting that is for the person getting the message, but wouldn’t you also be insulting yourself if you proclaimed that your time was only worth a whopping $50? Seems kind of pitiful, doesn’t it?
What Kind of Description Is That…?
OK — so this one isn’t exactly a message from an ex, but it’s an ex talking about a certain someone, so it still kind of fits here. Either way, it’s pretty obvious that the ex feels as though they were the one who got the short end of the stick.
We find that it’s always a bad idea to post stuff like this on social media if you’re the one who was problematic. After all, you’re kind of just opening yourself up to ridicule from others, much like what you can see here.
No Discounts for You
We’re not sure what’s actually being sold in this exchange, but we don’t have to. What we’re really here to look at is the audacity of an ex asking for a discount and free shipping just because he or she used to date the seller.
We get it — everybody wants a discount. But, it’s kind of low to try and bank on something like a past relationship as an excuse as to why you should be granted a discount. That just makes it sound like you view the past relationship as nothing more than a means to an end now.
Expectations Were Not Met
If you get a message from your ex that sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. In this case, it seems that an ex called this guy up in order to get him to go on a trip, but she didn’t tell him that she fully expected him to pay for the whole thing.
And of course, when he backs out of the proposal upon learning that, somehow he’s the bad guy. Remember, everyone — if you parted with your ex on bad terms, it’s unlikely that you are going to enjoy reopening your relationship with them in any capacity!
Totally Inappropriate Questions
Have you ever gotten a super inappropriate text message from your ex, and seemingly out of nowhere at that? Believe it or not, that actually happens quite a bit. You’re sitting at home, minding your business, and suddenly someone you’ve completely forgotten about texts you out of the blue with something like this.
His exact request is censored, of course, but we’re sure most of your readers know very well what he was asking. It definitely sounds like he wasn’t in the right state of mind when he sent this text — unless he’s always like that, which would be disturbing.
Need a Slice of Humble Pie?
There are all sorts of exes out there, but the downright delusional ones are some of the weirdest, if you ask us. Granted, a lot of exes are delusional, but you don’t often see them referring to themselves as a ‘god.’ That’s about as pretentious as you can get.
This was clearly a bragging and ego-stroking message disguised as a compliment, which is also a secret technique that a lot of exes are very good at. It’s kind of uncanny, really.
Brought This One on Yourself
Some of the most unbelievable texts from your ex is the text that ended up making them your ex in the first place. Apparently, this guy wasn’t happy with the fact that his girlfriend had cancer, so he decided to break up with her. Pretty low, but we suppose not everyone is equipped to handle that.
Still, if you were going to punch below the belt like that, the least you could do is break up in person, right? Doing it over text is just in bad taste. Still, that doesn’t justify the destruction of someone’s property.
Did You Really Think That Would Work?
It’s honestly surprising how many exes think they can win someone back through a simple gesture when they utterly betrayed their trust and feelings. This is just one example of someone who honestly thought some roses were going to repair their dead relationship.
It’s no surprise that he got those roses back, and not in the same way he delivered them. Honestly, if you completely betrayed someone, you should probably just cut your losses and move on, rather than make desperate ploys like this one.
Lost in the Divorce
One of the things lost in a breakup usually includes access to things like streaming services and other online joys. But, most people understand that they don’t get to keep those things when they break up with the person who’s paying for them.
Not this ex. In fact, they’re quite tilted about the fact that the person they broke up with isn’t willing to share those things anymore. They’re even trying to cheat their way back into the fold. Honestly, it’s just kind of pathetic.
Is This Really Your Best Attempt?
There are many ways you can try to get your ex back if you’re really determined to do so. Most of them won’t work, but you can try them. But, out of all the things you could try, we’re not sure who would think referencing the Super Bowl is a good idea.
Like really, does that seem very romantic? Not to say that there aren’t girls who like football out there, as there most certainly are, but even so, we can’t think of too many people who would be convinced by a message like this one.
I Really Wasn’t Missing That, Dude
It’s not that this ex sent any sort of offensive message, but this text is unbelievable for a different type of reason. It’s really just weird that he thought his ex was even aware that she had lost a bottle of shampoo or something.
Well, maybe he was actually trying to start a conversation or something, but it was certainly a bit of a weird attempt if that was really what he was going for. Maybe he was desperate enough to try anything, even something silly like this?
All the Cringe
Speaking of the worst conversation starters an ex could possibly come up with, here’s one that relies on stimulus checks. Needless to say, the entire thing is pretty darn cringeworthy. It’s not romantic in the slightest.
Maybe there’s someone out there who would actually think this is clever, but we don’t know who that would be. It’s amazing what kind of ridiculous dredge an ex will come up with in order to try and start a conversation with their ex-partner.
If You Say So
Some of the messages you get from your ex are not the kind you would usually expect. They aren’t always trying to get back with, but that doesn’t mean they are any less weird. For instance, this text notification that the ex is going to stop talking to you out of respect for their new wife.
That’s great and all, but it’s not like the person here was the one trying to talk to the ex, it was the other way around. It just sounds like he thought she really cared whether or not he was messaging her.
Just Being Polite, Man
Not everyone breaks up with their ex on bad terms. Sometimes, you might be ok with still talking to them every once in a while, or maybe wishing them a happy holiday at the very least. But unfortunately, that kind of politeness doesn’t always work out in your favor.
We’re not sure what got this ex in such a wistful and philosophical mood, but apparently, a wish for a happy Hannukah was enough for it to happen. Why is it that exes send such weird messages? They’re always so odd.
But You Started It
Some exes are both stupid and needlessly aggressive. Here’s a fine example of one who went out of their way to message and insult their old partner, then demanded that said partner not text them back. Well, that’s kind of hypocritical, isn’t it?
Of course, there aren’t too many exes you can expect to be logical and rational. That’s a hard thing to ask of an ex most of the time. Still, this is a pretty good excuse to just go ahead and block this annoying individual.
I Think I’m Being Insulted
Getting a text from your ex is rarely a fun occurrence, but what makes it weird often varies. In this example, it’s really just a strange message about how some off-the-wall nonsense reminded the ex of their partner. This would be concerning for anyone.
Like, care to elaborate? What about those things reminds you of me? What exactly are you trying to say? It definitely doesn’t sound like anything good. How can you just say something like that and not explain further?