Gary Sinise, known for his role in Forrest Gump, shared the sad news that his son, McCanna Anthony “Mac” Sinise, has passed away at 33 after battling cancer. Mac was diagnosed with a rare cancer called Chordoma in August 2018, shortly after his mother, Moira, was diagnosed with breast cancer. While Moira’s treatment was successful, Mac’s condition worsened over time, affecting his mobility. Gary expressed deep sorrow for the loss of his beloved son.
Gary expressed his immense grief for the loss of his loving son.
Gary Sinise expressed his deep sadness over losing his son, saying it’s incredibly tough for any parent to go through such a loss. He also shared sympathy for others who have experienced similar grief. Gary mentioned that their family’s fight with cancer lasted 5½ years and grew increasingly difficult. Even though they miss Mac dearly, they find comfort knowing he is no longer suffering. He admired Mac’s courage in facing a terminal illness and never giving up.
A number of celebrities posted messages of support for Gary and his family on Instagram.
ngie Harmon wrote, “We’re so sorry, Gary. You and your family are loved by many. We’re all praying for you. Sending you lots of love.”
Alyssa Milano also shared, “I’m so sorry, Gary. I’m praying for your family and sending you love and strength.”
Mac’s life was full and rich. He worked as an assistant manager at the Gary Sinise Foundation and loved music. He even played drums with his father in the Lt. Dan Band.
Despite having five spine surgeries and becoming paralyzed from the waist down, Mac continued making music. Before he passed away, he finished working on an album called Resurrection & Revival. He also studied songwriting and composition at the University of Southern California and graduated from there.
Gary said that the family is ensuring Mac’s album, Mac Sinise: Resurrection and Revival, is released and pressed on vinyl.
Mac was buried on January 5.
We’re very sorry for Gary Sinise’s loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family during this difficult time.
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